Oolie scrambles in the pocket, runs out right...looks like he's waiting on Sheffield to release off the screen...Oolie to pass...he's going to try to thread the needle now across the midddddddlllllllle......
MACAVOY: Caught by Brooks Sheffield! He hangs onto it and is lifted off his feet and propelled in mid-air to the endzone! Touchdown Corn Team! I've never seen anything like this in all my years doing football...no time left on the clock, Sheffield is lying prone in the endzone with the pigskin resting on his chest, and the Corn Team ...Folks, I don't know how to begin to describe what just happened here...Bill Oolie, channeling his Myrmidonian heritage, really let one fly, and it was all Sheffield could do to hold on to the thing...
Vanessa is another new collaborator we are excited to be working with. These are some in-progress images of Will Cody, Edgar Nash and Brooks Sheffield that Vanessa has been working on. Will Cody (above) and Edgar Nash (below). Brooks Sheffield.
These are cutouts that Fionn McCabe has been working on, covering some of the Nancy mythology for the show in Miami. The King of the Sea is about 7 feet tall. There are many more in the works.
Nabila's epic paintings are incredible. Combining metaphor and narrative in her own unique way, she is working with the Oh Nancy collaborative on a large (9'x10') painting depicting the Corn Team and other individuals and ideas in the Alliance Clubhouse.
R.J. Allen has had a long hard road to recovery. Through intense therapy and physical training he has regained control of his life, but thanks to the anonymous doctors at his undisclosed recovery center, we can view some of the images that made his recovery possible.
Dan is a new Oh Nancy collaborator, already creating great work and generating many ideas for the project. You can see more of his impressive work at: http://dansz.com/