Mary and Fionn collaborated on this drawing of Nancy working her way through the woods towards Oolie, the Corn Team, and our current story. This will end up printed and bound into a book along with another drawing of equal size so it will look a bit different. In the meantime, here is a teaser.
Fantastic artist and illustrator, Sean once again loans his sinister style to the Oh Nancy Project. Still in process, this piece represents one of the numerous legends surrounding our dear Corn Team.
Another new Oh Nancy participant and one we have long admired. Cory's work is strange, colorful and unmistakable. He was also willing to let us post some images of his piece in process.
This is a six color silkscreen modeled after a few Star Wars posters. It was printed with acrylic ink and ketchup and mustard so that it smells like a ball game (minus the beer).
These prints are available for purchase and proceeds will got to the SLC show. Contact Oh Nancy for details. Fionn's work can be seen on his website but his newer work is displayed on his blog here.