Saturday, November 27, 2010

Video number three from Garfo!

In which the beach scene is explained, Fionn talks to much and the students at the Visual Art Institute enjoy drawing on a big ole rock.

Oh Nancy take three from VAI GARFO on Vimeo.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"The Hideout" opening at GARFO

Such a fun opening. Morganne Blair Witchfield, Micol Hebron and our man Clyde Ashby performed for four hours straight! They were (and I'm sure still are) amazing. We had a great turnout and a dance party with beer and mixtapes afterward.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Clark Filio!!!!

New oil painting of Nancy, creepy and pretty.

You can see more of Clark's work and learn about his great new project, Chorus Atelier, by clicking here.

Wall Paper (wallpaper?) by Mary Toscano and Fionn McCabe

Mary and Fionn drew up some paper for the walls of the hideout!



Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fionn McCabe and Mary Toscano

Mary and Fionn collaborated on this drawing of Nancy working her way through the woods towards Oolie, the Corn Team, and our current story. This will end up printed and bound into a book along with another drawing of equal size so it will look a bit different. In the meantime, here is a teaser.

Mary does great work! Look at it here.

Sean McCabe

Fantastic artist and illustrator, Sean once again loans his sinister style to the Oh Nancy Project. Still in process, this piece represents one of the numerous legends surrounding our dear Corn Team.

Cory Corcoran

Another new Oh Nancy participant and one we have long admired. Cory's work is strange, colorful and unmistakable. He was also willing to let us post some images of his piece in process.

His website is awesome too.

Brian Butler

Two new works by our man Brian.

More of Brian's great work can be seen here.

Fionn McCabe's "Hideout" silkscreen

This is a six color silkscreen modeled after a few Star Wars posters. It was printed with acrylic ink and ketchup and mustard so that it smells like a ball game (minus the beer).

These prints are available for purchase and proceeds will got to the SLC show. Contact Oh Nancy for details. Fionn's work can be seen on his website but his newer work is displayed on his blog here.

Alexander DeMaria

Alex followed the growth and upbringing of one of the Corn Team players through three drawings. We are really excited to have Alex on board for SLC.

 This last one is still in progress.

You can check out other amazing work by Alex here.

Daniel Szymanowski

Dan is just finishing up another killer Brooks Sheffield piece.

DOPE!! Check out other work by Dan here.

Alan Betts' and friends

Amazing photographer, looker and sly genius based out of Brooklyn NYC. Here are a few pictures shot for the upcoming "Hideout" show at GARFO in SLC.

Alan also has a (unrelated) blog that is fantastic which, if you'd like, you can check out here.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday we'll class up the place-17 Edinboro St.

The Wine Bottega and Oh Nancy -teamed-up and crossed over like in the funny books - for a one time only event! This Sunday get down to Chinatown at 17 Edinboro St. and have delicious wines, bid on fantastic art and experience the ridiculous awesomeness of Flightless Buttress, Abram Taber, Keppie Coutts, and Life Partners. Then DJ John Barera is gonna move you like you never knew you could! C' mon.

GARFO - Salt Lake might get Wounded!

Get over to and check the info for "The Hideout" - get your folks involved, literally. 

Shirts! Shirts! Shirts!

  Arthur, Dan, Fionn and Nate got together and made these beautiful shirts, even though it's a product fundraiser don't doubt each design lovingly made. Lovingly. The air in the studio turned pink for awhile, it was weird. Go to the Oh Nancy homepage and pick up one these bad boys, the edition it limited to 24 shirts per design - so get'em while they last.

  All the proceeds from the sale of these shirts will go the expense of putting on  an absurdly ambitious and crazy show at GARFO in Salt Lake City this fall